Strategic Priorities for developing Ukraine and Georgia: innovation and partnership
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Batumi Navigation Teaching University
The monograph is devoted to the study of the main priorities of development of two countries with similar conditions, similar destinies, economic and intellectual potential.
The monograph presents the results of many years of work of prominent scholars of
Ukraine and Georgia, which are dedicated to the problems of providing innovative
development. The theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring innovation
development, formation of the national innovation system of the country are revealed.
The system assessment of the available intellectual potential of the countries, the
main tendencies and problems of modern development is presented. The monograph
attempts to assess the position of Ukraine and Georgia in world business rankings, global
markets and, in general, the global economy. Possible directions of joint cooperation and
partnership are identified with the aim of strengthening positions, as well as promoting
socio-economic and innovative development of countries. The monograph is intended
for scientists, lecturers, postgraduates, students of economic specialties of higher
educational institutions, representatives of state authorities.
Strategic priorities for developing Ukraine and Georgia: innovation and partnership : monograph / Batumi navigation teaching university, Kyiv national economic University named after Vadym Hetman ; ed.: D. G. Lukianenko and T. Beridze. – Batumi, 2018. – P. 308.