Розвиток корпоративної культури в умовах інтернаціоналізації бізнесу

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню теоретико-прикладних підходів до розвитку корпоративної культури в умовах інтернаціоналізації бізнесу з метою варіативного моделювання її змін, що дозволить перетворити її на ефективний інструмент конкурентоспроможності за умов інтернаціоналізації. Визначено інтегровану сутність корпоративної культури в розрізі її базових елементів. Розроблено концептуальну модель формування інтернаціональної корпоративної культури на основі використання крос-культурних технологій та виокремлено механізми її взаємозв’язку з життєвим циклом міжнародної компанії. Обґрунтовано комплексний підхід до діагностики корпоративної культури та проведено авторський аналіз її особливостей для світових лідерів на ринку агропромислового машинобудування. Досліджено стратегічні напрями розвитку корпоративної культури експортоорієнтованих українських компаній в розрізі її типів (кланова, адхократична, ринкова, ієрархічна). Результатом дослідження стала розробка динамічних сценаріїв вектора її змін з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій культурної глобалізації. The thesis is devoted to the complex research of questions of corporate culture development in the conditions of internationalization of business to prove theoretical basis, to evolve method of its complex diagnosing, to approve methodological approaches to define the position and monitor changes of corporate culture, to model dynamical vector of culture changes for Ukrainian companies of agro-industrial-engineering in the context of international activity. All above-mentioned will allow to use it as an effective competitive instrument in the conditions of internationalization of business. Basic elements of corporate culture including mission (basic element that determines place and philosophy of the international company), values (collective attitude that defines needs, behavior and motivation of employees and managers), norms and regulations (rules that regulates the relations of personnel), communications (ways of sending and receiving of information in the company), organization climate (atmosphere and satisfaction of the work) and symbols (semantic category that defines the meaning of values of the international company) are determined. The definition of integrative essence of corporate culture of international companies including system of collective basic ideas on interrelations according working activity that are passed to further generations of workers and are shown in believes of employees, corporate goals, value orientations, ethic norms and official policy and relations (with employees, stakeholders, partners, competitors, consumers, suppliers), in formal and informal behavior, internal atmosphere, symbols and brands is determined. It is defined the effectiveness of corporate culture that includes such amount of basic elements that improve the resulting activity of international company to achieve its strategic goals and key tasks. The conceptual development model of corporate culture on the basis of stages of internationalization and life cycle of companies in the concept of environments: internal, national, international, global, that is modeling the creation of new types of corporate culture under the international partnership of companies by using innovative organizational study to receive a new cross-cultural knowledge is built . The author’s complex approach of corporate culture development that includes the determination of corporate culture types (clan, adhocracy, market, hierarchy) in the context of internal integration (eliminating of cultural barriers and strengthening relations between divisions) and external adaptation (preventing of conflicts with foreign partners in the process of international activity), evaluation the effectiveness of corporate culture has been proven. The profile of corporate culture effectiveness including four sectors (macro adaptation, internal-organizational processes, social microclimate, corporate policy) and twelve qualitative diagnostic characteristics (innovations, readiness for changes, external identification, mythological structure, decision-making process, communications, values, portrait of the worker, social-psychological relations, motivation system, codes of ethics, power and leadership) are developed. Three levels of this profile were divided: 0-58% of positive answers – low (shows a shot coincidence of values, respect to management, worker identification with a company and his adaptation that can bring to low results); 58% (inclusive)-82% of positive answers – medium (some of employees divides values and principles of management, is not fully motivated and has an access to the information on international activity of the company); 82%(inclusive)-100% (ideal level) of positive answers – high (shows the appropriate development of corporate culture elements and improves the conditions of realizing international goals of the company in the context of business internationalization.) Typification of corporate culture of international leaders acting in agro-industrial-engineering showing that most of them has market and clan corporate culture (control in growth, strategic development, leadership, taking into consideration the stakeholders’ interests, clearness of tasks, teamwork) and clan and adhocracy corporate culture (dynamical growth, investigations, innovativeness, founder authority) is conducted. Main strategic priorities of corporate culture development for Ukrainian export-oriented companies of agro-industrial-engineering are identified in the context of international competitive behavior and include: strengthening of the role of values defining competitiveness, creative adaptation and increasing the use of norms to develop market and hierarchic corporate culture for companies-produces; development of organizational climate in the context of collaboration, team work and motivation of international activity to prove clan and market corporate culture for companies-traders. The results of complex diagnostic of corporate culture that show the low level of empirical parameters of qualitative characteristics of corporate culture elements are determined. In the result of approach of corporate culture it was defined the variation model that includes the evaluation of portfolio of its elements’ characteristics, correspondence matrix of instruments to form its elements within defined types and dynamical scenarios for the vector of its changing in the context of internationalization of business for Ukrainian companies that produce agricultural machinery. Key scenarios of international negotiation behavior of Ukrainian companies with their potential foreign partners were modeled within cluster types: A (Moldova, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Russia), B (Italy, Hungary, France), C (states of Baltic region), D (states of South Africa), E (China, South Korea, Japan), F (Germany, Great Britain, Czech Republic), G (Canada, USA). In this context were defined main priorities and features of its successful realization according to internationally standardized procedures of international negotiations: process of preparation (creation of the team, making a proposal, choosing the place and the style of presentation), development of proposition, its presentation (behavior modeling, determining the strategy of a trade), trade and contract signing. Диссертация посвящена комплексному исследованию теоретико-прикладных подходов к развитию корпоративной культуры в условиях интернационализации бизнеса с целью вариативного моделирования ее изменений, что позволит превратить ее в эффективный инструмент конкурентоспособности в условиях интернационализации. Определена интегрированная сущность корпоративной культуры в разрезе ее базовых элементов. Разработана концептуальная модель формирования интернациональной корпоративной культуры на основе использования кросс-культурных технологий и выделены механизмы ее взаимосвязи с жизненным циклом международной компании. Обоснован комплексный подход к диагностике корпоративной культуры и проведен авторский анализ ее особенностей для мировых лидеров агропромышленного машиностроения. Исследованы стратегические направления развития корпоративной культуры экспортоориентированных украинских компаний в разрезе ее типов (клановая, адхократическая, рыночная, иерархическая). Результатом исследования стала разработка динамических сценариев вектора ее изменения с учетом тенденций культурной глобализации.
корпоративна культура, інтернаціоналізація, глобалізація, міжнародні корпоративні стратегії, життєвий цикл компанії, міжнародна ділова переговорна поведінка, крос-культурні технології, corporate culture, internationalization, globalization, international corporate strategies, life cycle of company, international business negotiating behavior, cross-cultural technologies, корпоративная культура, интернационализация, глобализация, международные корпоративные стратегии, жизненный цикл компании, международное деловое переговорное поведение, кросс-культурные технологии
Овчаренко А. О. Розвиток корпоративної культури в умовах інтернаціоналізації бізнесу : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.02 / Овчаренко Анна Олександрівна ; ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана». – Київ, 2009. – 25 c.