Innovative trends in the development of information control systems and technologies
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Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
The monograph delves into cutting-edge trends in developing and deploying advanced information technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, big data, blockchain, and industrial Internet of Things within information control system architectures. It explores conceptual and methodological principles for designing various types of information control systems in organizations, manufacturing, technical facilities, higher education institutions, and the medical field. This exploration takes place amidst heightened global instability, cyber threats in the digital sphere, and significant digital transformations. Special emphasis is placed on creating and advancing applied information control systems, including their components and technologies. The monograph also examines the use of hybrid intelligent systems and specialized computer systems for managing logistics, transportation, organizational information security, energy facilities, aircraft, and smart systems.
It targets teachers, researchers, graduate students, undergraduates, and specialists involved in integrating innovative technologies into information system design and implementation across enterprises, organizations, IT sectors, education, and healthcare.
Innovative trends in the development of information control systems and technologies [Electronic resource] : monograph / [S. V. Ustenko, B. O. Tishkov, K. L. Shevchenko et al.] ; Min. of Education a. Science of Ukraine, Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman. – Electronic text data. – Kyiv : KNEU, 2024. – 638, [2] p. – Title from screen.