Improving project management system at the enterprise (on the basis of «Da-Stroy» LLC)

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Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
The object of research thesis is the process of implementing project activities, taking into account the design and construction specifics of the enterprise. The subject of the study is the theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations for the implementation of project activities, identification of areas for improving project management approaches, and the system in general. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to reveal the scientific, theoretical, and practical foundations for the improving project management system at the enterprise. The assessment is based on the performance of the LLC «Da-Story» which is a design and construction company and highlights areas for improving the mechanism of its management.
project management, project, management, process improvement, BIM (building information modeling), planning, development
Krainii B. Improving project management system at the enterprise (on the basis of «Da-Stroy» LLC) : master thesis : 073, Management / Bohdan Krainii ; acad. supervisor Tsarov Vitalii ; Kyiv Nat. Econ. Univ. named after Vadym Hetman, Educational and Scientific Institute of Business Education named after Anatolii Poruchnyk, Dep. of Intern. Management. – Kyiv, 2022. – 97 p.