Процес професійного навчання персоналу на виробництві в Україні: основні етапи
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Розглянуто важливі етапи процесу навчання на виробництві. Обґрунтовано вибір раціональних форм і методів професійного навчання на виробництві. Проаналізовано основні економічні та соціальні вигоди після професійного навчання.
The purpose of this article is to consider the main stages of vocational on-the-job staff training of organizations in Ukraine. The global economic crisis, the economic crisis in our country needs to radically change approaches to the sources and factors of economic growth of the domestic economy and to pay special attention to the social factors of economic growth. Education should not be considered as an area that is a burden for the budget of the company and is not related to economic development. Vocational on-the-job staff education is an area of social and economic investments that are essential for constant development of enterprises. In order to achieve efficiency of vocational on-the-job staff training, vocational training should be an integrated continuous process consisting of several stages: setting of vocational training aims; determination of training needs; training activities; training process; test of knowledge; evaluation of the training effectiveness. In order to achieve the highest efficiency in the process of training, employers need to pay enough attention to each stage of the training process. Inattention to any stages likely would reduce to zero all the results of this and future training processes in the organization.
Рассмотрены важные этапы процесса обучения на производстве. Обоснован выбор рациональных форм и методов профессионального обучения на производстве. Проанализированы основные экономические и социальные преимущества после профессионального обучения.
The purpose of this article is to consider the main stages of vocational on-the-job staff training of organizations in Ukraine. The global economic crisis, the economic crisis in our country needs to radically change approaches to the sources and factors of economic growth of the domestic economy and to pay special attention to the social factors of economic growth. Education should not be considered as an area that is a burden for the budget of the company and is not related to economic development. Vocational on-the-job staff education is an area of social and economic investments that are essential for constant development of enterprises. In order to achieve efficiency of vocational on-the-job staff training, vocational training should be an integrated continuous process consisting of several stages: setting of vocational training aims; determination of training needs; training activities; training process; test of knowledge; evaluation of the training effectiveness. In order to achieve the highest efficiency in the process of training, employers need to pay enough attention to each stage of the training process. Inattention to any stages likely would reduce to zero all the results of this and future training processes in the organization.
Рассмотрены важные этапы процесса обучения на производстве. Обоснован выбор рациональных форм и методов профессионального обучения на производстве. Проанализированы основные экономические и социальные преимущества после профессионального обучения.
професійне навчання персоналу на виробництві, основні етапи, раціональні форми та методи навчання, vocational on-the-job staff training, main stages, rational training forms and methods, профессиональное обучение персонала на производстве, основные этапы, рациональные формы и методы обучения
Гемма М. Д. Процес професійного навчання персоналу на виробництві в Україні: основні етапи / М. Д. Гемма // Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія і практика : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; Ін-т соц.-труд. відносин ; редкол.: А. М. Колот (голова) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2017. – № 1. – С. 295–302.