Жива речовина і життя
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
The purpose of the study is to express the author’s concept on the appearance and formation of living matter in the geological epoch of planet Earth, as well as in times of climate change, in which there were various forms of living organisms.
The studies were conducted on the basis of analysis of geological history, logical
generalizations, philosophical approaches and methods, practical observations and some careful scientific research findings that in the existence of all life, until recently, by the statements of V. Vernadsky, did not give any results. In some cases instinct and intuition were used, which are inherent to many forms of wildlife.
Through the use of methods to achieve this goal, the article suggests that during
certain geological epochs of planet Earth, after drastic climate change, a special structure of the medium was formed, which contributed to the emergence of new forms of manifestations of nature. That is because living matter is an ongoing constant in the universe, galaxies and planets, but it can change and adapt to temperature, chemistry, energy and other environmental conditions that occur in certain geological epochs of planets, in particular, the planet Earth.
Confirmation of temperature changes and the need to adapt to forms of living matter is the entropy, i.e., the conversion of all types of energy to heat and even its distribution between the bodies.
The results of the studies provide some reason to believe that the continuation of
geological and climatic changes will promote the emergence of new forms of living matter, and the disappearance of many of its forms from the past. Such a concept is likely due to the fact that past history confirms as reflected in materials research the actual disappearance of some forms of wildlife (plants and animals) and the emergence of other forms of wildlife, of which we have now.
Regarding the role of individual forms of living matter, it should be at least preimagined that people use living matter of the planet Earth at will, using prepared mind, mainly damage to nature and themselves.
Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы осветить авторскую концепцию относительно появления и формирования живого вещества в геологические эпохи планеты Земля, а также периоды климатических изменений, когда появлялись разные формы живых организмов.
Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы осветить авторскую концепцию относительно появления и формирования живого вещества в геологические эпохи планеты Земля, а также периоды климатических изменений, когда появлялись разные формы живых организмов.
living matter, forms of life, Earth, Galaxy, Universe, photosynthesis, leaf, cosmic dust, spores, germ living matter, живое вещество, формы жизни, планета, Земля, Галактика, Вселенная, фотосинтез, листок, космическая пыль, споры, зародыш живого вещества
Панасюк Б. Жива речовина і життя / Б. Панасюк // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана" ; Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [голов. ред. Ю. Вільчинський]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2015. – № 4. – С. 197–212.