Emerging Carrier Business Models of Аirlines: Case of Middle East Region
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
In this paper emerging carriers business model is explored. The reason for this research became an observation of phenomena within the airline industry, in particular, a fast growth of Middle East region in terms of passenger transportation, due to incredible development of those carriers. The research subject is an airline business model, which has formed in the Middle East due to certain conditions inherent exactly to this region. The objective of this paper is to analyze the formation of regional emerging carrier business model under the certain market conditions and evaluate the potential ways to sustain this model. The literature review made it possible to highlight a plenty of research papers concerning actual business models regarded as suitable for estimation of airlines activity last decade. The tasks of our research are to find out a marketplace and market share of the Middle East emerging carriers in the world airline industry at main geographical regions; to analyze operational and financial indicators of regional emerging carriers (estimate their passenger flows, fleet structure, number of directions, ASK – available seat kilometers, RPK – revenue passenger kilometers, etc.); to inspect the factors that influence on the growth generating drivers of Middle East regional emerging carriers by means of multiple regression analysis (using the SPSS Statistics package); to take a strategic view of further development of the Middle East airlines regionally and globally.
Emerging Carrier Business Model, Middle East emerging carriers (Emirates, Etihad and Qatar), Passenger volume, ASK, RPK and Fleet, Porter’s five forces of competitiveness
Heiets I. Emerging Carrier Business Models of Аirlines: Case of Middle East Region [Electronic resource] / Iryna Heiets, Vadym Konchyn, Viktoria Svyrydiuk // Journal of Regional Science and Sustainable Development Economics. – Electronic text data. – 2018. – Vol. 1, № 1, December. – P. 64–123. – Title from screen.