Модель управлінських впливів на розвиток вторинної зайнятості населення в регіоні
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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Стаття спрямована на визначення ролі вторинної зайнятості для населення. Представлена модель управлінського впливу на розвиток вторинної зайнятості в регіоні,
запропоновані варіанти концепцій регулювання вторинної зайнятості.
The article aims to determine the role of secondary employment for the population. The model of managerial influence on the development of secondary employment in the region, the proposed options concepts regulation of secondary employment are presented in the work. The aim of this study is to develop a model of management actions on the development of secondary employment, methods of monitoring secondary employment at the regional level. The novelty of the paper research is to develop a model of management actions on the development of secondary employment in the region, including milestones and activities at each stage (development o f the concept — two options, sociological research, simulation of management actions on secondary employment, the development of plans and methods of regulation, control of management actions) and the development of methods for monitoring secondary employment. Distribution of secondary employment is largely determined by the socio-economic development of society and regions, it is enough manpower, unemployment, living standards and other macroeconomic indicators. Regulation of secondary employment — an activity aimed at enhancing the working population in the additional work, taking into account the objective and subjective factors and conditions. Model of managerial influence on the development of secondary employment includes the development stages of its development, the conceptual provisions of the principles, functions, data collection, direct regulation, monitoring and tracking of results control by monitoring the secondary employment.
Статья направлена на определение роли вторичной занятости для населения. Представлена модель управленческого влияния на развитие вторичной занятости в регионе, предлагаются варианты концепций регулирования вторичной занятости.
The article aims to determine the role of secondary employment for the population. The model of managerial influence on the development of secondary employment in the region, the proposed options concepts regulation of secondary employment are presented in the work. The aim of this study is to develop a model of management actions on the development of secondary employment, methods of monitoring secondary employment at the regional level. The novelty of the paper research is to develop a model of management actions on the development of secondary employment in the region, including milestones and activities at each stage (development o f the concept — two options, sociological research, simulation of management actions on secondary employment, the development of plans and methods of regulation, control of management actions) and the development of methods for monitoring secondary employment. Distribution of secondary employment is largely determined by the socio-economic development of society and regions, it is enough manpower, unemployment, living standards and other macroeconomic indicators. Regulation of secondary employment — an activity aimed at enhancing the working population in the additional work, taking into account the objective and subjective factors and conditions. Model of managerial influence on the development of secondary employment includes the development stages of its development, the conceptual provisions of the principles, functions, data collection, direct regulation, monitoring and tracking of results control by monitoring the secondary employment.
Статья направлена на определение роли вторичной занятости для населения. Представлена модель управленческого влияния на развитие вторичной занятости в регионе, предлагаются варианты концепций регулирования вторичной занятости.
вторинна зайнятість, регулювання вторинної зайнятості, концепція, регіон, моніторинг, модель, принципи, secondary employment, regulation of secondary employment, concept, region, monitoring, model, principles, вторичная занятость, регулирование вторичной занятости, концепция, регион, мониторинг, модель, принципы
Качан Г. М. Модель управлінських впливів на розвиток вторинної зайнятості населення в регіоні / Г. М. Качан // Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. В. Гетьмана" ; Ін-т соц.-труд. відносин ; редкол.: А. М. Колот (голова) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2015. – № 1. - С. 186-192.