Priority directions of development of multilevel trade integration of Ukraine

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ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
The key trends in the world economy at the beginning of the XXI century are undoubtedly strengthening of internationalization of economic activity, which is reflected in integration processes that cover almost all countries regardless of their level of socioeconomic development, determining their competitiveness in world markets. In most modern domestic and foreign studies, international trade integration is considered in the context of its regional manifestations — preferential trade zones, free trade zones of various types and customs unions. At the same time, the areas of trade and integration cooperation are expanding and diversifying not only at the level of regional trade cooperation, but also at the level of bilateral trade and integration relations and in a network format thanks to multinational corporations that contribute to the complexity of global production networks and value chains. Among other things, the escalation of rivalry between countries and regions motivates countries to join the global system of trade regulation within the WTO. Theoretical principles of integration processes are revealed in the works of such scientists as: K. Andersen, L. Antoniuk, I. Burakovskyi, V. Vlasov, D. Hrinfild, D. Dzhekson, I. Diumulen, D. Lukianenko, R. Miuller, H. Miurdal, A. Poruchnyk, V. Piatnytskyi, Ya. Stoliarchuk, T. Tsyhankova, V. Chuzhykov, O. Yatsenko and others. The potential of trade integration on the basis of the author ‘s methodical approach is identified in the work. The vectors of intensification of trade integration with the use of forecasting by the method of linear regression (least squares) are substantiated. Special attention is paid to the analysis of trade and integration potential of Ukraine as well as to the development and substantiation of intensification directions of its use on diversification principles. The purpose of the article is to determine the priority areas of Ukraine’s international trade integration at the corporate, interstate, regional and global levels.
potential of trade integration, international trade integration, regional integration, interstate integration, value added chains, global integration, multilevel trade integration of Ukraine
Priority directions of development of multilevel trade integration of Ukraine / Iatsenko Olena, William H. Meyers, Kenneth C. Schneeberger, Iatsenko Oleksandr // Вчені записки : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; [редкол.: О. Яценко (голов. ред.) та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2021. – Вип. 24. – С. 91–101.