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Item A deficit of decent work as a current trend in the development of social and labor sphere in Ukraine(Poland : Kozmenko Science Publishing, 2016) Kolot, Anatolii; Колот, Анатолій Михайлович; Колот, Анатолий Михайлович; Herasymenko, Oksana; Герасименко, Оксана Олександрівна; Герасименко, Оксана АлександровнаSustainable development of the national economy is impossible without the creation of conditions for safe, high-quality, efficient work. The relevance of the study is explained by the need of methodological substantiation and development of theoretical and applied instruments for ensuring decent work. The scientific and practical significance of the study is to distinguish the forms of manifestation, to establish the causes of decent work deficit within the new economy and to determine the vectors of its overcoming in Ukraine. The results of the study are focused on generalization of the modern trends in the development of social and labor sphere in Ukraine and improvement of the concept of decent work to be used in practice in order to achieve progress in the social and labor sphere. The subject of the study is theoretical and applied principles of the concept of decent work as a basis for the development of mechanisms and instruments to overcome the deficit of decent work. The methodological platform of the study is formed by the general scientific and special methods: theoretical generalization; abstract and logical synthesis; induction and deduction; classification and typology; comparative and structural analysis that would allow carrying out multidirectional research of the progress (regress) in the sphere of work on different levels. The methodological basis for achieving this goal is the systematic and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of socio-economic indicators of decent work deficit. The purpose of the study is a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the decent work deficit and determination of strategic guidelines for its overcoming in Ukraine. In the article the authors present their view on the institute of decent work. Forms of manifestation and causes of decent work deficit are presented. The content of the article shows the relationship of the deficit of decent work and the precariat phenomenon. The authors present their vision of the concept of decent work as a strategic development of social and labor sphere and a major road towards elimination of the deficit of decent work in Ukraine.Item An employee psychological green climate(ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2022-05-11) Stoliaruk, Khrystyna; Столярук, Христина Сергіївна; Столярук, Кристина СергеевнаItem Analysis of dependence in Ukrainian enterprises’ economic indicators from measure of their innovation activism(Centre of Sociological Research, 2014) Verkhovod, Iryna; Верховод, Ірина Сергіївна; Верховод, Ирина Сергеевна; Petrenko, VolodymyrThe paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of differences between the economic activity indicators of enterprises with unequal innovative activity. On the basis of a sample survey of Ukrainian enterprises we attempted to verify the theoretical thesis about the relatively higher profitability of the more innovative companies. Revealed that the average of profitability and return on investment for a group of the most innovative companies are lower than for firms with less innovation activity. We have proposed the thesis of the laws of innovative activity reduction in the Ukrainian economy, as long as the main factor of business profitability is not innovation activity, but other reasons.Item Artificial Intelligence in HR: Practices and Prospects of the Spread in Ukraine(ICRESS, 2022) Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana; Цимбалюк, Світлана Олексіївна; Цимбалюк, Светлана Алексеевна; Vasylyk, Alla; Василик, Алла Володимирівна; Василик, Алла Владимировна; Bilyk, Olha; Білик, Ольга Миколаївна; Билык, Ольга НиколаевнаThe main purpose of the study is to assess the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR in Ukrainian organizations practice and the prospects of the AI spread in HR. The results of the survey confirmed the first working hypotheses that the spread of AI in HR is a natural process; and partially confirmed the second hypothesis that the use of AI in HR has both positive and negative consequences. Due to the spread of AI in HR today, one of the most important competencies of HR professionals is the ability to perform various HR functions and processes using AI technologies, which requires appropriate training and experience.Item Assessing and improving vocational teachers’ education and training in Ukraine(Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», 2020) Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana; Цимбалюк, Світлана Олексіївна; Цимбалюк, Светлана Алексеевна; Shkoda, Tetiana; Шкода, Тетяна Никодимівна; Шкода, Татьяна Никодимовна; Artiushyna, Maryna; Артюшина, Марина Віталіївна; Артюшина, Марина ВитальевнаThe aim of the research is to measure interrelation between VET quality and the level of teachers’ education and training and to identify directions for their improving. The working hypothesis of the research is the assumption that education and training of graduates from colleges (specialists) will be of high quality if competencies are developed in accordance with the employers’ demands. The working hypothesis was verified through a quantitative research (a sociological survey). The target group of the survey is 350 managers of financial and insurance companies in Ukraine, including human resources managers. The research has shown that the education and training of graduates from colleges do not adequately meet the needs of the labour market, and therefore must be improved, in particular, towards the development of appropriate competencies in accordance with the employers’ requirements. The interrelation between VET quality and the level of teachers’ education and training has been partially confirmed. More than a third of the surveyed employers saw the link between them. Based on the result of research, it was found that employers were not satisfied with the quality of college graduates’ education and training. The conducted research has demonstrated the contradiction between the vision of the education and training results in educational establishments and the employers’ expectations. This confirms the importance of their systematic collaboration in developing educational and professional training programmes and study plans. The results of the research are recommended to be used during the development of educational and professional programmes and study plans.Item Assessing the hr managers’ awareness of GHRM practices in Ukraine(ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2022-05-11) Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana; Цимбалюк, Світлана Олексіївна; Цимбалюк, Светлана АлексеевнаItem Basic principles of implementation of the principles of gender equality and non-discrimination in the sphere of higher education (on the example of the Netherlands)(Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, 2023-02-14) Artemenko, Svitlana; Артеменко, Світлана Богданівна; Артеменко, Светлана Богдановна; Onishchuk, I.Item Clasterization tendences of Ukraine's tourismsphere and way out of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis(Universidad del Zulia, 2021) Rybalchenko, Nina; Bilohur, Stanislav; Oleksenko, Roman; Voronkova, Valentyna; Verkhovod, Iryna; Верховод, Ірина Сергіївна; Верховод, Ирина СергеевнаThe article considers the clustering trends in ukraine's tourism sector, aimed at a further rise of the tourism industry, overcoming its negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and achieving sustainable development. The need to create tourism clusters and other topics on the organization of tourism with state executive authorities as well as professional tourism associations on attracting investment and providing institutional and consulting assistance to small tourism enterprises is being investigated. The foreign experience was analyzed, as well as the distribution of tourist groups in Ukraine by tourist types in the period 2019-2020. Method: analysis and synthesis, systematization of materials, historical and logical, comparative, systemic and structural, which allowed to study the trends in the tourism industry.Conclusions. The grouping of the sphere of tourism in Ukraine must be developed under the close attention of the government, state and local authorities, public figures, civil society, companies, because it requires not only the containment of the pandemic, but also the development of forms of tourism competitiveness, investment in this industry, the provision of jobs for workers dismissed during the pandemic, the use of the most advanced innovative technologies for the development of creative tourism industries, which will help to get the industry out of the crisis. El artículo considera las tendencias de agrupamientoen el sector turístico de Ucrania, dirigidas a un nuevo ascenso de la industria del turismo, superando losefectos negativos de la pandemia del COVID-19 y logrando el desarrollo sostenible. Se investiga la necesidad de crear agrupaciones turísticas y otros temas sobre la organización del turismo con las autoridades ejecutivas estatales, así como las asociaciones profesionales de turismo sobre la atracción de inversiones y la prestación de asistencia institucional y de consultoría a las pequeñas empresas turísticas.Se analizó la experiencia extranjera, así como la distribución de los grupos turísticos en Ucrania por tipos turísticos en el período 2019-2020. Método: análisis y síntesis, sistematización de materiales, histórico y lógico, comparativo, sistémico y estructural, que permitió estudiar las tendencias en la industria del turismo. Conclusiones. La agrupación de la esfera del turismo en Ucrania debe desarrollarse bajo la estrecha atención del gobierno, las autoridades estatales y locales, las figuras públicas, la sociedad civil, las empresas, porque requiere no solo la contención de la pandemia, sino también el desarrollo de formas de competitividad turística, la inversión en esta industria, la provisión de empleos para los trabajadores despedidos durante la pandemia, el uso de las tecnologías innovadoras más avanzadas para el desarrollo de las industrias de turismo creativo, que ayudará a sacar a la industria de la crisis.Item Collective bargaining and payment regulation at the regional level: assessment and prospects (on the example of Ukraine)(Polissia National University, 2022) Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana; Цимбалюк, Світлана Олексіївна; Цимбалюк, Светлана Алексеевна; Poplavska, Oksana; Поплавська, Оксана Миколаївна; Поплавская, Оксана Николаевна; Danylevych, Nataliia; Данилевич, Наталія Станіславівна; Данилевич, Наталия СтаниславовнаIn the conditions of constant challenges and threats in the realization of citizens’ right to work, collective bargaining becomes almost the only effective tool that allows to reconcile the interests of different actors and consolidate their joint efforts. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the level of development of collective bargaining in different regions of Ukraine and identify challenges and prospects for the development of this institute. The authors proposed a methodology that allows quantitative and qualitative assessment of collective bargaining regulation of wages based on a number of indicators and a comparative analysis of its level of development in different regions. The evaluation confirmed the hypothesis of low activity of social partners and inability to act mobile in the new socio-economic ecosystem. The results showed the underdevelopment of wage regulation through collective bargaining in all regions, which increased distrust in the institution of social partnership and showed the inability of partners to create conditions for decent work. Indicators of the effectiveness of collective bargaining and agreements typical of countries with economies in transition (Ukraine), and the root causes of low quality social dialogue at the regional level are highlighted. Challenges inherent not only in Ukraine but also in most European countries allowed the authors to identify areas for improving collective bargaining, which include expanding the social partners, adapting the content of agreements to the strategic goals of the region and its sustainable development. The identified general trends conditioned upon the challenges of the digital economy and the new economic ecosystem have highlighted the need to rethink the role and content of collective bargaining. The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed methodology by social partners, local administrations, local communities to assess social dialogue at the regional level, study and disseminate best practices of wage policy on the basis of social partnership. В умовах постійних викликів і загроз у реалізації громадянами свого права на працю колективно-договірне регулювання стає чи не єдиним ефективним інструментом, який дозволяє узгодити інтереси різних суб’єктів і консолідувати їх спільні зусилля. Метою дослідження є порівняльний аналіз рівня розвитку колективно-договірного регулювання оплати праці у різних регіонах України та визначення викликів і перспектив розвитку цього інституту. Автори запропонували методику, яка дозволяє кількісно та якісно оцінити колективно-договірне регулювання оплати праці на основі низки індикаторів та здійснити порівняльний аналіз рівня його розвитку у різних регіонах. Проведене оцінювання підтвердило гіпотезу про низьку активність соціальних партнерів і неспроможність мобільно діяти в умовах нової соціально-економічної екосистеми. Результати показали нерозвиненість регулювання оплати праці шляхом колективних переговорів у всіх регіонах, що посилило недовіру до інституту соціального партнерства та свідчило про нездатність партнерів створити умови для гідної праці. Виокремлено показники ефективності колективних переговорів і угод, характерних для країн з перехідною економікою (Україна), а також першопричини низької якості соціального діалогу на регіональному рівні. Виклики, притаманні не лише Україні, а й більшості європейських країн, дозволили авторам визначити напрями вдосконалення колективних переговорів, які передбачають розширення кола соціальних партнерів, адаптацію змісту угод до стратегічних цілей регіону та його сталого розвитку. Виявлені загальні тренди, що зумовлені викликами цифрової економіки та нової економічної екосистеми, актуалізували потребу переосмислення ролі та змісту колективних переговорів. Практична цінність дослідження полягає в можливості застосування розробленої методики соціальними партнерами, місцевими адміністраціями, територіальними громадами для оцінки соціального діалогу на регіональному рівні, вивчення та дисемінації кращих практик формування політики оплати праці на основі соціального партнерства.Item Competencies of Personnel in Economy 4.0: Challenges and Solutions(Qazvin Islamic Azad University, 2021) Chala, Nina; Poplavska, Oksana; Поплавська, Оксана Миколаївна; Поплавская, Оксана Николаевна; Danylevych, Nataliia; Данилевич, Наталія Станіславівна; Данилевич, Наталия Станиславовна; Makhsma, Mariia; Махсма, Марія Борисівна; Махсма, Мария БорисовнаThe article is dedicated to the analysis of the transformation of the worker’s competencies model in the Economy 4.0 conditions, to the identification of the causes for the increase of the labor redundancy and mismatch on the labor market. The authors identified key competencies that are important for Ukrainian businesses and made a forecast of required competencies for 2030. The analysis of the compliance of training programs of educational institutions with market requirements has practical value. The authors also proposed the roadmap for coordination of the program of the human resource manager competencies development. An important result came out to be the developed matrix of the necessary level of development of staff competencies for various divisions of the company depending on the decision-making center.Item COVID-19: глобальні соціально-економічні виклики(ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2020-11) Чалюк, Юлія Олексіївна; Chaliuk, Yuliia; Чалюк, Юлия АлексеевнаItem Culture as a determinant of the economic(Lulu Press, Inc., 2018-12-14) Severyn-Mrachkovska, Liudmyla Vasylivna; Северин-Мрачковська, Людмила Василівна; Северин-Мрачковская, Людмила ВасильевнаThe influence of the cultural component on economic behavior of a person is analyzed. It is noted that in the philosophy of economics the theory of cultural determinants of the economy has been formed, which analyzes economic phenomena and processes in terms of their dependence on the cultural factor and proceeds from the fact that the economic development of society is determined by a system of values, norms, regulations, ideals, etc., which are characteristic of a given society or other community. The modern manifestation of the influence of the cultural factor on the economic development of society is the concept of a smart (intellectual) economy.Item Current Trends in the Development of the Ukrainian Labour Market(EUROREG - Uniwersytet Warszawski, Regional Studies Association - Sekcja Polska, 2022) Zakharova, Oksana; Захарова, Оксана Володимирівна; Lopushniak, Halyna; Лопушняк, Галина Степанівна; Лопушняк, Галина Степановна; Skibska, Kateryna; Скібська, Катерина Олександрівна; Скибская, Екатерина АлександровнаThe results of this study substantiate and compare the trends observed in the global labour market and the corresponding trends in the Ukrainian labour market in 2017–2022. With regard to the annual trend specification, this study has established the extent to which the Ukrainian labour market participants focus on the key areas of its development and has identified the problematic aspects that hinder the socio-economic recovery of the country. These findings have important implications for substantiating the course for the strategic development of the Ukrainian labour market, which should form the base for enhancing both life quality for the population and the socio-economic growth of the country.Item Cyberspace: a new space for solving old philosophical issues(ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2019-03-28) Bondar, Svitlana; Бондар, Світлана Валеріївна; Бондарь, Светлана ВалерьевнаItem Cоціальний захист в Україні: ризики та перспективи розвитку(ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана», 2020-02-26) Горбова, Юлія Сергіївна; Горбова, Юлия Сергеевна; Полякова, А. В.Item Cоціальні ризики у сфері зайнятості: сутність та чинники виникнення(Національний університет «Одеська політехніка», 2023-11-10) Шандар, Анна Михайлівна; Shandar, Anna; Шандар, Анна Михайловна; Козін, М. В.Item Cоціокультурні аспекти регіонального розвитку(Київ : Видавничо-поліграфічний центр Академії муніципального управління, 2010) Кучера, Тетяна Михайлівна; Kuchera, TetyanaУ тезах наведено короткий огляд проблем та особливостей соціокультурного розвитку регіонів України.Item Development of a decent work institute as a social quality imperative: Lessons for Ukraine(Centre of Sociological Research, 2020) Kolot, Anatolii; Колот, Анатолій Михайлович; Колот, Анатолий Михайлович; Kozmenko, Serhiy; Herasymenko, Oksana; Герасименко, Оксана Олександрівна; Герасименко, Оксана Александровна; Štreimikienė, DaliaThe contemporary paradigm for sustainable development assumes single-vector economic and social progress and focuses on human-centrism and social quality. In a human-centered model, people become not only a resource component of sustainable economic growth, but also the main value of society. Human ability to participate in different areas of society, which will enhance well-being and clarify his/her personal potential, is the quintessence of the social quality concept. Under this concept, priority is given to decent work, which outlines an action strategy in implementing social and labor reform to ensure sustainable social and labor development. This study seeks to justify the need to develop a decent work institute in Ukraine as an imperative of social quality. This is based on the concept within which the decent work institute is considered in the context of the Work 4.0 social and labor model, which is inherent in the new Industry 4.0 business structure. Work 4.0 is presented as a theoretical and applied platform of labor and employment. It results from large-scale and multi-vector technical and technological innovations, organizational and business changes that create new opportunities, risks and threats to economically active people in the digital ecosystem. The analysis has revealed the lack of decent work due to threateningly high unemployment, the spread of atypical employment, keeping wage payments to a minimum, destruction of the collective agreement in regulation of social and labor relations, the risks of occupational diseases and work-related incidents. The article substantiates the need to formulate an economic policy which should be based on an effective social and labor policy aimed at overcoming the deficit of decent work, preventing threats to social quality and creating, on this basis, the prerequisites for sustainable socioeconomic development.Item Development of consulting in Ukraine within the framework of modern changes in the social and labour sphere(Cracow University of Economics Foundation, 2012-10) Kolot, Anatolii; Колот, Анатолій Михайлович; Колот, Анатолий Михайлович; Hrishnova, Olena; Грішнова, Олена Антонівна; Гришнова, Елена Антоновна; Brintseva, Olena; Брінцева, Олена Григорівна; Бринцева, Елена ГригорьевнаThe article deals with interconnection and mutual influence of changes in the social and labour sphere and the development of Human Resources (HR) consulting service. On the basis of these interrelations the authors of the article define and explain the major trends of HR consulting to achieve positive dynamics in the social and labour relations in Ukraine.Item Development of education and science: an interdisciplinary approach(Дипломатична академія України при Міністерстві закордонних справ України, 2015) Kolot, Anatolii; Колот, Анатолій Михайлович; Колот, Анатолий МихайловичThe article methodologically proves that in conditions of the new economy the available narrow-subject, narrow-discipline divisions of economic issues become counterproductive. The reasons actualizing development of the interdisciplinarity are highlighted. It is proved that a synthesis of research that involves the interpenetration and mutual methodological principles of the various sciences, overcoming unacceptable methods of economic determinism should become one of the main research objectives of economic schools.